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Self-love and wellness with Angela Simson

A sneak peek of Angela's journey to holistic health.

We spoke to the mother of two and founder of The Gratitude Project about health, wellness and how to practise self-love on the daily. ...

Health benefits of raw food

Boost your immune system and overall health

We all benefit from adding raw foods to our diet. Interestingly, when the diet is composed of 50% raw food and 50% cooked food, we function well and our immune system is in balance. ...

Nourishing wholefoods, health and wellness with Taline Gabrielian

Exploring her commitment to health and wellbeing.

A passion for food, health and wellness is what inspired TALINE GABRIELIAN to launch her website and successful recipe app, Hippie Lane. Seven years on, she’s still committed to spreading her love for nourishing wholefoods. She chats to DANAE DIMITROPOULOU about healing through food and why she’d describe herself as a flexitarian. ...

Easy morning yoga moves

Start the day as you mean to go on!

Charlotte Dodson says that by practising the yoga moves below, for about 15 minutes a day, you can embrace your whole day with energy to spare. ...

Managing intolerance through food

Tips from dietitian Georgie Rist

Suffer from lactose intolerance, fructose malabsorption or gluten intolerance? ...

FODMAP-friendly green risotto

A low FODMAP diet can help ease cramping, bloating and constipation. Try this tasty green risotto recipe. ...

9 benefits of pre-natal yoga

Yoga makes you stronger all over - perfect for the extra weight you'll be carrying, writes Liz Gray. ...

Discover the relationship between spirituality and nutrition

It’s not just the food we eat that nourishes our body, but the way the food is prepared, along with the energy the cook imbues in the practice. ...

Where did the idea of mindfulness come from?

Discover where the concept of mindfulness lies.

Mindfulness has become a bit of a buzzword of late. ...

The information presented on this website is not intended as specific medical advice and is not a substitute for professional medical treatment or diagnosis. Read our Medical Notice.