Be on your way to wellness through food.
Discovering which of your chakras is out of balance gives you with the opportunity to journey into wellness. ELENA IACOVOU uncovers the foods to eat for mind, body and spirit.
The game-changing mindfulness movement transforming lives around the world.
In a world where we can be constantly overcommitted, overstimulated and overwhelmed, it’s difficult to take the time to look after ourselves, let alone putting the needs of others first.
Discover where the concept of mindfulness lies.
Mindfulness has become a bit of a buzzword of late.
4 ways to make mindfulness part of your every day life.
Whether you're taking part in 'Mindful in May' or you're interested in exploring the practice, Australian psychiatric and mindfulness meditation expert, Dr Elise Bialylew shows us how to practice mindfulness daily.
How he maintains health and wellbeing.
Maddie Lakos talks to award-winning Australian artist Xavier Rudd about music, spirituality and feeling the earth beneath your feet.
Discover the healing power of oils.
Liz Nowosad discovers the mood-enhancing properties of perfume and the mystery surrounding this ancient art of enfleurage.
Don't ignore the signs.
Adrenaline overload can cause everything from heart disease and obesity to inflammation and depression – so don’t ignore your chronic state of stress, writes Stephanie Osfield.
Read all about how she came to a well-rounded approach to food.
Despite being one of Australia’s best known nutritionists, a healthy relationship with food wasn’t always on the table. JESSICA SEPEL examines her past experiences and discusses why adopting a holistic, well-rounded approach to wellbeing has changed her life
Read about how she discovered self-love.
Yoga taught Cheah how to look inwards, as loving herself from the inside out. In a short snippet of her cover story feature, she shares how yoga changed her life.
Train your mind to be consistently present.
Training your mind to being consistently in the present moment and ‘letting go of all the shit’ can take some time, so Wanderlust yoga teacher and studio owner Rhyanna Van Leeuwarden shares her best insights to embracing your spiritual self this year.