Oysters with pickled honey, red wine onions and sour cream


Oysters with pickled honey, red wine onions and sour cream

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Love seafood? Try oysters with pickled honey, red wine onions and sour cream.


  • 1 dozen freshly opened oysters
  • 3 tbsp light sour cream
  • Yellow leaves of a celery heart
  • 1 glass of rich red wine
  • 1 cup of water
  • 2 small red onions, peeled
  • 1 tbsp honey


Remove the oysters from the shells and clean any shell grit from them.
Cut the onions in half and slice very thinly.

Place onions, honey, water and red wine into a stockpot and bring to the boil. Reduce the heat a minimum and cook until all the liquid is evaporated and the onions are dry.

Cool onions to room temperature.

Place a spoonful of sour cream into each oyster shell and place onto a serving platter.

Place celery leafs onto the sour cream before topping with an oyster.

Divide the honey and red wine onions between the oysters and serve.

Tip: When eating oysters, take you small fork and move the oyster around in its liquid-filled half shell to make sure it's detached. Then pick up the shell, ans slurp down the oyster from the wide end. 

NEXT: Prawn and scallop lemongrass skewers>>

Recipe from Dorota Trupp

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