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Orange Vegemite noodles

... Try this vegan-friendly orange noodle dish with a uniquely Australian twist. ... 4 minutes, stirring frequently.   Add the yeast extract sauce, stirring to combine, and cook for another minute. ...

... Try this vegan-friendly orange noodle dish with a uniquely Australian twist.
10 high-fibre foods you need in your diet

... the motility of the digestive tract. Drink plenty of water with them. Apples These are rich in vitamin C and A, folate, ... potassium that are lost during the episode and is loaded with fibre, which aids good digestion. Nana ice-cream got even better! ...

... the motility of the digestive tract. Drink plenty of water with them. Apples These are
Why First Aid is part of a healthy lifestyle

... time ago, it might be time for a refresher, especially with summer on the horizon and more time spent in the great outdoors. ... especially in the pressure of a crisis. Just like in the natural health world, advancements in techniques and treatments are continually ...

... time ago, it might be time for a refresher, especially with summer on the horizon and more time sp
The path of self-discovery using psychotherapy requires intense introspection

... Embarking on a journey of self-discovery and growth begins with an intense period of introspection. ... the gallery, my fear immediately subsided as I was greeted with a warm welcome from Gina Bloom, a psychotherapist, counsellor and somatic ...

... Embarking on a journey of self-discovery and growth begins with an intense period of introspection
Discover the relationship between spirituality and nutrition

... our body, but the way the food is prepared, along with the energy the cook imbues in the practice. ... life. In ancestral traditions, food was connected with sacred ceremonial processes such as song, storytelling and drumming. ... says Hosseini.   To keep things as natural as possible, prioritise using natural materials, such as clay and ...

... our body, but the way the food is prepared, along with the energy the cook imbues in the practice.
Understanding the practice of meditation

... described meditation as “recharging the body battery with cosmic energy” as it reconnects us to our higher consciousness. ... the Tibetan translation of meditation is better understood with the word ‘familiarisation’. “When we teach meditation, ...

... described meditation as “recharging the body battery with cosmic energy” as it reconne
Easy lifestyle tips to increase hearing health

... naturally occurring form of folic acid) is also associated with a reduced risk of age-related hearing loss. It is thought that this ... loss. Damage can occur gradually over years or abruptly with exposure to an extremely loud noise. Reducing the volume of noise entering ...

... naturally occurring form of folic acid) is also associated with a reduced risk of age-related hear
10 tips for cultivating wellbeing

... on a foundation of health, self-care and living in line with nature, writes Meredith Gaston, in her new book, The Art of Wellbeing. ... Our wellbeing is also shaped by the health of our natural environment: the air we breathe, the soil in which our foods are grown, ...

... on a foundation of health, self-care and living in line with nature, writes Meredith Gaston, in he
Dietary tips to help ease the pain during your period

... For many women, ‘that time of the month’ is met with a conditioned response of dread and anticipation. Here, JESSICA SEPEL ... each day and preferably fruits that are naturally low in natural sugars, such as green apples, berries and papaya. Use vitamins ...

... For many women, ‘that time of the month’ is met with a conditioned response of dread an
How to improve your wellbeing through gratitude

... to our functioning during waking hours. And yet, with so much research in the field, we’re not getting enough of it. A ... thing we do before bed, or charging our phones next to us with the blue light blinking all through the night – prevent us from ...

... to our functioning during waking hours. And yet, with so much research in the field, we’re n
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