
Detoxification diet - shopping tips

Advice from the experts

Planning a detox? Follow these tip 4 tips next time you're at the shops ...

Meatless Mondays

Set up a habit that will carry through the following days

Eat red meat and die younger, says a recent study out of Harvard ...

Natural ways to treat depression

Dealing with depression is becoming a fact of life in Western society

Whatever the causes, it is an illness affecting more and more people every year. And just like so many other illnesses, it can be treated. ...

Why saunas are good for you

Cleanse your skin, increase circulation and ease muscle pain

Many years ago, the Finnish discovered that pouring water over heated rocks in a small enclosed room created a very hot, dry heat – the sauna. ...

Side plank for firm abs

Tone your stomach and strengthen your core

Raphael says the best exercise of all is the side plank (which involves lying on the floor on your side and lifting your hips off the ground). ...

Natural sunscreen recipe

Try this homemade remedy

Janine McClelland, homeopath and managing director of natural healthcare clinic, The Remedy Group in Melbourne, believes “sunscreens with an active base of zinc oxide are generally better than other chemical based sunscreens as the zinc oxide lies on the skin without being absorbed”. ...

Natural insect repellent

Try this homemade remedy

Janine McClelland, homeopath and managing director of natural healthcare clinic, The Remedy Group in Melbourne, recommends we try natural options for minor travel ailments rather than always reaching for the pharmaceuticals ...

10 tips for a healthy spine

Victorian wellness chiropractor Michael Bloom shares his top tips

Your spine is a channel for communication between your brain and the rest of your body, so it’s vitally important you keep it as healthy as possible. ...

Natural ways to combat PMS

Find out how to control the physical and emotional symptoms

Are you at war with PMS each month? Before your period, your hormones are disrupted leading to changes in the body’s way of regulating calcium and vitamin D, which contributes to PMS ...

10 weight loss wonders

Herbs and spices to slim you down

Herbs and spices have been the prescription for all kinds of ailments throughout history ...

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