Signs of stress

Feeling stressed? Consult our stress checklist to find how the most common signs
In today’s fast paced world, it’s easy to get so used to operating on high-stress-alert that it feels like the norm.
In today’s fast paced world, it’s easy to get so used to operating on high-stress-alert that it feels like the norm.
You can get to a point where you no longer even recognise the signs. So what are some of the common signs of stress?
- Low or reduced libido
- Nightmares or strange, vivid dreams
- Poor concentration levels
- Feeling overwhelmed and/or exhausted
- Overreacting or snapping at friends, family and colleagues
- Uncharacteristically forgetful
- Teary and melancholic
- Resent having to do things for others
- Back pain and muscle tightness
- Insomnia or disturbed sleep
- Tight chest, racing heart and palpitations
- Weight gain or weight loss
How to manage stress
- Eat a healthy diet and cut back on stimulants including sugar, alcohol and caffeine
- Leave work on time and make a list of things you need to do the following day. Work/life balance is crucial; do all you can to achieve it
- Step away from the computer. Allow yourself a brain break at least once an hour. This will rest your eyes and keep your brain more alert
- Make time for exercise and activities that you enjoy
- Allow time for visualisation and create a calm space in your home where you can relax
Need more health tips?
Unwind after a stressful week at work and develop your confidence
Image: Thinkstock