Super green smoothie

Beat the bloat once and for all!

Tummy troubles? Add this smoothie to your everyday diet for a great gut, says naturopath Caroline Robertson.

Greens for alkalising
The Western diet has caused an acidity epidemic. Acidic items such as meat, grains, dairy, sugar, coffee, alcohol and medications all lower our pH. If you suffer from heartburn, fatigue, pain, ulcers, heavy limbs and inflammation, you may benefit from alkalising foods.

Try a green smoothie (recipe below) or regular intake of alfalfa sprouts, spirulina, broccoli, kale, kelp and chlorella. These are also high in betacarotene, vitamins C, E and folate, which protect us from stomach cancer. If you have hyperthyroidism, seek medical advice before increasing your greens.


  • 1 cup of coconut water
  • 1 cup of kale
  • ½ avocado
  • 1 cup pineapple
  • 2cm piece of fresh ginger
  • Fresh juice of one lime


Blend all ingredients and serve.


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