Exercise for your decade

Whatever your age your mind and body can benefit from a workout, but while hitting the gym can have enormous benefits in your 20s, pounding the treadmill at 60 is not advisable. Emma Krieger asks the experts what we should be doing at different stage

To help tailor your workout needs to your age, we chart the must-do’s and don’t-do’s for fitness throughout the decades. ...

Health savior or toxic invader? The vaccination debate

Willow Aliento explores the highly emotional vaccination debate.

Is it possible to rid the world of measles, whooping cough and mumps by mass vaccination programs? Or can vaccination cause more health problems than cures? ...

Dealing with diabetes

Diabetes can be a debilitating condition, but fortunately, there are many ways to effectively manage it. Phoenix Arrien goes in search of the natural alternatives.

Type 2 diabetes is Australia's fastest growing chronic disease. Learn how to manage it with the help of natural treatments. ...

You're sweet enough

Wellness writer and co-author of 7 Things Your Doctor Forgot to Tell you, Andi Lew, fills us in on the truth about artificial sweetners.

Although you may think you're losing weight or being healthier by replacing sugar or fat with artificial sweetners, you may be doing the opposite. ...

Make mine a happy meal

Are you looking for a feel-good meal other than the calorie-laden, comfort-food kind? Jennifer Kang investigates the belief that nutrient-rich foods on your plate can play a significant part in the path to happiness.

You can get a feel-good, energy-boosting hit from nutrients in healthy foods that work similarly to the way a mid-afternoon snack does. ...

In your dreams

Do you think of sleep as system-shut down? Well dream on, because a trip to snooze-town isn’t entirely lights-out. Diana Timmins reveals the nocturnal neural activities that create the stuff that dreams really are made of.

Want to hear about the dream I had last night? Or have you tuned out already? Listening to someone relay their dreams may seem quite mundane, but it might be worth a listen as dreams contain more insight into the dreamer than you may have thought. But be warned, set your dream dictionary aside, as there is certainly no one-size-fits-all in the land of nod! ...

Handle your headache – naturally

We live in an age where the easiest solution for a headache is to simply pop a pill. Yet countless studies warn of the side effects of over-the-counter drugs, and ironically, painkiller overuse is the third most common cause of headaches.

Debbie Willimott goes in search of alternative headache busters that treat more than just the symptom. ...

Perfect your posture

Appearing slimmer, taller and more statuesque, all comes down to how you hold yourself.

Good posture has all manner of benefits. It means that the skeleton is aligned and therefore, your bones are in the right place and not under untoward stress (it also makes you look much more elegant in a cocktail dress!) ...

Spiritual weight loss

US-based author Marianne Williamson says there are some spiritual lessons to learn before the weight comes off. Amber Wilson chats to Marianne to discover more.

If you think the reason you can’t shift weight is because of the delectable taste of Twisties, or the unappealing thought of spending an hour on the treadmill, think again. ...

Green Cooks Nature´s super seed

With the days getting longer and spring on the horizon, it’s time to shed off the winter cocoon, head outside, breathe the fresh fragrant air and read our debut column for Australian Natural Health!

We're delighted to join a fantastic team and share our love of good food and green living, inspire the inner cook and kindle the eco-bug in all of you. In each issue we will discuss a few food related tidbits and provide a tasty and healthy home-style recipe with some simple tips to help expand your culinary repertoire. ...

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