Double chocolate fudge


Double chocolate fudge

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Gluten Free
3 people are cooking this

Lilian Dikmans of Real Food Healthy Body treats us with this simple fudge recipe you can whip up in no time.

Ingredients (makes 6)

2 tbsp nut butter
2 tbsp extra-virgin coconut oil, melted
1 tbsp raw cacao powder
1 tbsp rice malt syrup
40 g dark chocolate, roughly chopped (optional)


Line an 8 x 12 cm container with baking paper or cling film. In a small bowl, mix the nut butter, melted coconut oil, cacao powder and rice malt syrup together until well combined. Pour mixture into the prepared container and sprinkle chopped chocolate over the top (if using), pressing it lightly into the mixture.

Place the container in the fridge for a couple of hours to set. Once set, remove the fudge from the container and cut into pieces. Store in the fridge or freezer.

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