Improve your creativity with colour

Surround yourself with the following colours and boost your wellbeing

Colour therapists believe the colours we surround ourselves with have a huge impact on our mood and wellbeing.

Experts believe colour not only has the potential to boost happiness, but can also work to improve our creativity and motivational levels.

Surround yourself with the following colours for optimal wellbeing:

  • Green

Good for the eyes. This soothing colour replicates to some degree the effect of nature, and consequently encourages spiritual healing, peace, harmony and trust.

  • Pink

Most often, red is interpreted as the colour of love, but pink is its true colour and conveys unconditional love, compassion, an open heart and forgiveness.

  • Red

Surround yourself with red if you want to muster up inner strength, vitality and courage.

  • Yellow

The colour of optimism, it conveys joy and prevents anxiety and nervousness.

Find out your colour personality and share your findings on our Facebook page. We love to hear from you!

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